Mon-Frid 8am to 4pm
(506) 8602-6019

About Us

ASADAS (Administrating Associations of Sewers and Aqueducts) work under a delegation agreement given by the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueduct and Sewer (AyA); They work as non-profit organizations under the legal framework of the Associations Law 218.

Surfside’s aqueduct was built for supplying water to the community of Surfside, a residential located in Playa Potrero, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, established in 1974, officially becoming an ASADA in November 2010.


Ensuring access to drinking water and sanitation in a committed and responsible manner with health, water resource sustainability and sustainable community development.


Being an authorized operator, that stands out for its good service, effectiveness, efficiency and compliance with the legal and operational requirements demanded by the governing body.


Transparency: Rendering clear accounts to Associates, users and government entities, effectively and efficiently.

Solidarity: Maintaining a commitment of both the Board of Directors and officials, with the needs of our Associates and users.

Spirit of Service: Having a positive and supportive attitude with the community, collaborators, Board of Directors and neighboring Asadas, in order to fulfill our Mission, Vision and Objectives.

Responsibility and Commitment: Having a responsible attitude towards technical and legal compliance, in the execution of their functions, oriented towards the fulfillment of the Asada’s objectives.

Respect: Maintaining an attitude of respect and collaboration with our Associates, Users, Collaborators, Suppliers, State Institutions, Peer Organizations and members of the Board of Directors. 

Excellence: Adopting a commitment of both Collaborators and Board of Directors, with the best performance, with the aim of achieving the highest level of productivity and competitiveness in each of
our activities.

President: Chester Jon Reilly JR

Vicepresident: Arturo Soto Montero

Treasurer: Nangie Shedden Gutiérrez

Secretary: Peter Breitlander

Vocal 1: Edwin Murillo Tenorio

Vocal 2: Barbara Joanne Stokes

Vocal 3: Kelle Wood Rich

Fiscal: Girlanies Vanegas Gutiérrez


Marta Contreras Peralta: Administratror

She has been working at the Asada since 2017. She is in charge of all the operations of the Asada and has been a fundamental pillar for the Asada to be positioned as the number 1# Asada in Guanacaste. She always receives everyone with a smile and looks for the best solution to the problems from both users and the Asada.

Milena Castillo Villegas: Administrative Assistant

She has been with the Asadsa since 2019 with experience in the work, she has been an excellent addition to the team, always smiling and brings great Ideas to the projects of the Asada.

Brenda Peralta Sequeira: Inventory Assistant

She joined the team in 2024, with her commitment, perseverance and excellent disposition provides a great contribution to the team work. 


Juan Carlos Munguía Mendoza: Plumbing Supervisor

Juan Carlos is the veteran of the Asada, he has been taking care of the aqueduct for 23 years and the water that we all consume, always willing to provide help to the community and contribute with his knowledge to the processes of continuous improvement. 

Daniel Ruiz Gutiérrez: Plumber

He joined the team in 2018, with his initiative has become a vital worker for the Asada. 

Ever Moreno Moreno: Plumber

Started in 2022, his already previous plumbing experience made his integration in the work team very easy.